
As I’m laying in bed listening to Brooklyn tell her Daddy all kinds of things I feel my heart is full. However, in my next moment I feel the little girl still in my belly moving and I feel sad. I’m sad because I’m ready to start the next phase of my life with another beautiful girl in our family. She is having other plans though. Today I am 6 days past my due date and no sign of change yet.

I know I’m not the only one who has been in this exact same situation. I know that babies come when it’s time. I also know the waiting and wondering can be frustrating, exhausting and stressful. 

I have wonderful family and friends who are so thoughtful to check in on me daily. I am grateful for this and only wish I could tell them something different. But so far I keep giving them the same information. 

I try to keep upbeat and positive but the frustration sometimes weighs on my heart and brings me down. It would be easier if our parents lived close or really any family. We do not have that luxury. My reliance on my friends is more than they could know. I find strength in their unconditional service and love they show me. How did I deserve to be loved this much?

I have found my faith tested this past week. Now I understand it sounds melodramatic but my sweet mom has been here for an entire week and still no baby. She can’t stay for as long as either of us would like and time is ticking away. I  have prayed for understanding, for faith, for an answer but all I keep getting is it will happen when it happens. Doesn’t God understand my help is leaving in a week? Doesn’t He understand I need my moms help? Doesn’t He understand my situation?

The answer to all of that is Yes! Of course he knows, of course he hears me. But am I really listening to Him? Am I hearing what He is telling me? Probably not. I am a realist, a logical thinker. When I lack understanding it frustrates me. When I can’t see any logical reason I start to lose my way. 

While it is only temporary and short lived I struggle with my faith from time to time. I forget that my idea for my life is not as wonderful and well thought out as His plan for my life. I am usually a roll with it type of person. Being married to a man who is frequently injured will force that upon you. I don’t tend to get worked up about much. My emotions are generally even all the time. But this past week most of this has changed.

I have been put in a situation that has made me feel like a fish out of water. I know one day I’ll read this and laugh a lot. But my emotions today are what they are. I own them. I do not hide from them. But I will choose today to not let them control me. It is a choice, it has to be, otherwise the cycle won’t end. 

I choose to accept that my plan is not as good as Heavenly Fathers plan. I choose to accept I’m imperfect and their are things far out of my control. I choose to have Faith! I choose to believe in something bigger than myself. I choose to be happy. I choose to enjoy how ever many days or moments I have left with just Brooklyn. 

Soon I will learn the juggle of two kids so today I will enjoy the beauty of having only one. I will not feel down or sad but grateful and joyful.

Pregnant Women Lifting Weights

I will give fair warning that what I am about to write about will cause controversy. Be warned readers…..

Recently on my social media I posted a couple pictures of myself weight lifting. While normally this wouldn’t cause someone to even think twice about, I was 36 weeks pregnant at the time. It has only been a couple weeks since this picture and I am still pregnant… Oh and just so you know I am still completely healthy. 

Most of the feed back was encouraging and kind, I have also received concern from others. I will specify I am no expert on weight lifting, pregnancy, or pretty much any other topic out there. My only expertise lies in my own body and what it tells me. I am writing this post because I can’t seem to get it off my mind about why some people would have such a problem with me weight lifting. To me it is part of my normal day and life. So why would I stop, simply because I am pregnant?

To answer this you may need some background on me. Not enough to encourage any creepos out there just enough for you to get the big picture here. This is my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy was not an experience I want to have over. I was sick almost the whole time, I had weird pains and aches, I was VERY swollen and had a hard time exercising. I had hardly any energy and quite honestly hated the experience. It was not a magical, wonderful time of change, it was a miserable time. I couldn’t wait till I was done with it, even when I was only a few months along. The only exercising I did was swimming and riding an elliptical machine. I didn’t do them very often because I had no energy to go. I had times when it was hard to just get out of bed to use the restroom. Who wants to live like that for 9 months? I didn’t but I didn’t know how to make it any better.

When it was time for me to give birth I had a good experience with labor. It was the delivery and recovery that was so horrible. I will not put too many details on here but just for an idea… I hated and hurt so much from my recovery I never wanted to have another child. I could barely move and get around, let alone get up to get the baby. This experience is one I would never wish on anyone, ever.

Fast forward to 5 months after I had my little girl. We moved to the big city from a tiny little town and we decided we wanted to join some kind of gym. We didn’t have that luxury where we use to live so we wanted to take advantage of it. I remember a friend of mine saying she did CrossFit. So we looked into a couple boxes near us. Only one responded to us and on a whim we joined. That choice has made all the difference to us. This was back in 2012. We have never once regretted paying someone to make us sweat and hurt in wonderful ways.

Rewind now to August 2014. I found out we would be expecting another baby. I was terrified to say the least. I did not and would not have the same experience I did the first time around. Soon after I found out I informed my Coach. I knew there would be modifications I would have to make and even though I hadn’t seen my OB yet I knew I needed to inform the coach. It’s a funny thing being pregnant and working out 5 days a week, with mostly the same people. I believe I was only 5 or 6 weeks along when the other women started noticing some of the modifications I was making. It was hard to keep it a secret. Around week 9 the “morning sickness” kicked in and lasted about 7-8 weeks. During that time I only went to the gym a handful of times. It was as horrible as I remembered it being. I thought for sure I was in for round 2 and I would for sure call it quits after this baby.

Thankfully, my body is stronger and healthier this go around. After the sickness subsided I was able to start working out again and getting back to feeling like myself. I still used the proper modifications after I came back from my “time off.” I listened to my body and did things I was capable of but didn’t do others that didn’t feel right. Throughout this pregnancy I utilized three things I didn’t with my first. First is CrossFit, which has been my sanity and release during the week. Second is chiropractic care, which has kept my body in alignment and feeling good. Third is DoTerra essential oils. These things have made all the difference in how this pregnancy has gone. When I went in for my appointment at 37 weeks I was honestly able to say I felt great. I haven’t had the major swelling or aches and pains. I haven’t felt that my pregnancy has gotten in the way of my life in too many ways. 

Ok so now we have come full circle to why I am writing this post. Wight lifting during pregnancy. I had no idea it was such a big deal to some people. I have always felt that exercise is exercise. Both of my OBs told me to continue doing any form of exercise I have been as long as I feel good. I made sure my current OB knew I did CrossFit and she gave me the ok to keep doing it. She has had other patients who have also done CrossFit too so she is familiar with it. I have read and heard this line and love it, “There is nothing wrong with you, you are just pregnant.” I don’t remember who said it but it is true for most pregnant women. 

I have not chosen to be selfish and work out just because I can’t stop myself, I have chosen to be healthy and do good things for my baby and my body. There is not a one size fits all for pregnant women. We are all different and therefore it is essentially up to us to decide how we should take care of ourselves. I know what I am doing has benefitted me because of how I feel. There is no ego or pride involved. 

When I posted these pictures:



I was not doing it with the intention to have anyone feel that I was doing something wrong or bad. I posted them because I am amazed at what our bodies are capable of. Shouldn’t a pregnant women be preparing for child birth? Shouldn’t she be making herself healthy and strong to handle what the body goes through? Shouldn’t she be able to decide for herself, without harsh judgement, what form of exercise is right for her? People fear what they don’t understand. Those who have never experienced real weight lifting tend to be the most harsh critics of it. Wouldn’t it be better if we said, “I may not understand what you are doing but I can respect you enough to trust your personal choice?” 

I would never say to someone to start any form of high intensity exercise when they are pregnant. I have been doing CrossFit for 2 1/2 years, it’s not a new thing for me or my body. I take the precautions I need to and scale and modify where needed. I have a great coach who knows what I should and shouldn’t be doing. Most importantly though I know my body well enough to listen to what it tells me. 

So for the critics out there and the worriers, I appreciate the concern. We all have to live our own lives and make our own choices. I don’t critique a women on choosing to use pregnancy as the reason to not work out, that is her choice and I don’t know her health or reasons. What I do know is that it is not my place to judge but to be encouraging to others and myself. What is right for you doesn’t make it right for me. I am writing this post to encourage others. To let them know that their body is far more capable than what you think, or what others may try to make you think. 

I should have been a Surgeon

Remember my last post when I declared we had a near miss with Bushes knee so close to my due date?? Well I need to correct myself…

Bush of course had surgery! Why would I even think anything different would happen? Not that it was a big deal or drastic in any way but the irony, oh the irony. I have to admit though the best part of him having surgery is when they let me go in with him during his recovery time. He is a happy, flirty man when he is high on drugs! He cracks me up and the nurses too. He is also still very polite. I was laughing at all his ‘Thank you ma’am and Pleases’ when the nurse would come check on him. 

I feel fairly positive we tend to be a breath of fresh, nice air for nurses and doctors when we go in for this kind of stuff. I noticed how grumpy and blah most of the other people around us were. We however laugh and joke the entire time. The nurses were having a hard time getting an IV in Bush and they felt so bad but I just told them he’s use to it, obviously with all his hospital visits. 

We decided we are going to type up a past surgical list for any future surgeries, ER visits, Doctor visits, etc. We never fail to laugh when they ask about any previous surgeries. Bush simply says, “How far back do you want me to go?” We counted up the number of surgeries just since we have been married (going on 8 years) and the grand total came to…. 6 surgeries plus an extra overnight hospital visit. This doesn’t include his previous surgeries before we were married. I don’t think his parents gave me a good enough disclaimer about how accident prone he is. Oh well, I still would have married him.

Since moving away from Rangely and people who have known both of us for most of our lives it has been funny (to us) with how our sweet, kind friends have responded to this surgery. Don’t get me wrong we are beyond appreciative of our friends here in Dallas, it’s just that when we have responded so calmly to the situation I think most people thought it was strange. They just don’t know our history with surgery and Bush. While most would probably panic a bit at the timing of it with my due date only 3 weeks away, we have found it all amusing and right on track. 

One of our friends here happens to be a PA with ortho history. When I updated her after the surgery she said that Bush must be one of the only people she knows that would have that going on and not even complain about it. I laughed out loud because I remember when we had his last accident he just said something to the effect of it’s just a couple broken bones, no big deal (how wrong he was but we didn’t know it at the time).

Well back to an actual update on the knee. It was in fact Bursitis, however, (of course there is more to it) he was mainly swollen due to a lot of fibrotic tissue and not fluid. The tissue had a metallic look to it (not normal) and the bursa was pretty much destroyed. They sent it off for testing to see what the heck it is. The Doctor said to me how surprised he was he didn’t have more pain and didn’t have a major infection from it. I simply told him that Bush never quite fits the norm for things. 

Now that the surgery is done and recovery is underway we can start preparing for baby girl #2. We are praying and hoping for an easy birth and child. Shouldn’t that be part of our karma, after taking everything else is stride? We shall see though. 

My next post will most likely read…

” Baby girl arrived early. Just days before my mom could get here (of course). Our life is destined for adventure and moments of complete reliance on The Lord. And truthfully, we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Well here are a few pictures from the last couple weeks. 


I’m still making it to CrossFit most days of the week. (I successfully lifted this weight, in case you were wondering). The gym has been my sanity during this pregnancy.


Brooklyn in her Easter dress. Although to her it’s her princess dress.


As if we didn’t have enough to do, this is the current state of our bathroom. Yes, we like to do everything all at once.