8 is great, usually

Fair warning some of this post could cause some nausea and eye rolling… Bush and I had our 8th anniversary yesterday. While my close friends know I’m not an overly sentimental person or emotional, I still had to get a bit sentimental thinking over the past 8 years.

I am truly a lucky girl to have the husband that I do. He is beyond helpful, never complains about changing diapers and is usually a happy, funny guy. I will preface that he is not perfect and not even close. He is just the right amount of a crazy, funny, frustrating, loving, caring weirdo for me. I really can’t stand when people say how amazingly, wonderfully, perfect their spouse is ( harsh I know) but it’s not real. Real is the good AND bad. 

We recently went on a trip to Colorado for a couple weeks. Let’s just say it wasn’t the best trip we have ever had. We had a lot of tension and decided that speaking to each other was optional for a few days. It made it difficult because we had a lot of family around but we managed. The truth was that I was overwhelmed and stressed with things and it spilled over to Bush. I won’t take the full blame but I probably should have let some things go. 

During these few days I was told (with good intentions) that I was lucky to have such a helpful, wonderful husband. I of course knew this, I did pick him! But at the time I just wanted to be mad. I didn’t appreciate it being “thrown in my face” that I was acting ungrateful or whatever. I could list excuses of why I was justified (lack of communication, post pregnancy hormones, etc.) but it doesn’t matter. In reality, I just let Satan run loose in my heart. 

Eventually, I gave up my stint on the dark side and decided walking in the light sounded better. So I broke down and talked to my ever loving husband. And, as usual, he was gracious and forgiving (lucky right?!). I also allowed him the chance to apologize, which he so willingly did. (In case you have no humor at all, read that last line sarcastically)

So all was right in the Bush and Em show once again! WHEW! Just in time for our 8th anniversary.

I had dreams of a romantic night on the town but alas, as life goes, that is far from what happened. Our poor Lily bug got sick so I spent the day at the doctor with her while Bush took Brooklyn to work with him. That evening we went out to eat, kids in tow. Next year maybe we will get our fancy dinner out just the two of us. 

Truthfully though, it was nice to have a real life day to celebrate us. It was a nice reminder that this is the life we built together through blood, sweat and tears. And I mean that quite literally (see previous posts for documented stories).  

We have had big adventures- Hawaii, Cancun, Cape Cod- and small hometown adventures. We’ve had hard days and amazing days. We’ve had more just normal, everyday days than anything else. I feel that what it’s all about too. Picking that person who you want to spend your everyday days together just muddling through life together. 

My life is pretty insignificant and small. I most likely will never do anything to impact nations or change the world. I am just glad to be able to have beautiful girls with a great husband. I’m grateful to have my normal everyday days with Bush. I’m grateful to have my big and small adventures with him too. 

So here’s to us babe… 8 great and wonderful, sometimes not so great and wonderful years together. I’m strapped in and ready for the next unlimited amount of years with you. 

I always tell him he is lucky he has such a nice behind to keep me from ever getting too mad at him. But that smile does it too!!


Who else hates the phrase, “life isn’t fair!”? I do. I understand life isn’t fair, but I feel like when people use this term all they are actually saying is, “well, deal with it” or “too bad, so sad.” Am I the only one who feels this way?

I am definitely not saying life should be fair, because honestly, I don’t think it should be. Every person is unique and their situation. Because of this nothing in life can be fair. We are not all equal, we can not all be treated the same way.

I should add that I do not believe one person is above another person, just that we were not all endowed with the same abilities, talents, etc.

I sometimes want certain things in my life to be fair but the ugly truth is that it can’t be. Even in marriage things can’t be fair. Not that we shouldn’t be equal partners in marriage, just that from time to time one partner will be pulling more weight than the other. It’s the nature of human beings, we are imperfect. This is where that whole love and grace thing comes in, to make up for our imperfections.

If anyone hasn’t read, “Marriage is for Losers”,I highly recommend doing so. It really gets my point of fairness in marriage across.

Today, I was upset with the phrase, “life isn’t fair”. I wanted a certain situation to be fair, in my favor. The truth is, that if it were fair in my favor, it would have made it unfair in someone’s life. This is exactly why life can’t be fair. Even though, I will probably from time to time still get upset with things I find unfair, I have to remember to, well, deal with it.

If life were created equal for everyone, what would be the point? It would be boring, mundane. Without all the unfair things, we wouldn’t appreciate the joys and happiness. Isn’t that why Eve partook of the forbidden fruit? For us to experience pain and sorrow so that we may know joy.

So life isn’t fair…. Would you really want it to be?